
Sunday, February 12, 2012

RIP: Whitney Houston "We Will Always Love You"

Music and the world have lost some of the greatest.  I remember when there was a time when people got old and died more of natural causes.  Then it seemed that people were dying by the gun or by the hands of someone else.  Today it seems that more and more lives are cut short by heart related or some type of drug/pill addiction.  What's crazy is that sometimes the deaths are sudden or not explainable.  What's even crazier is that there seems to be some kind of pattern (or sad to say) death wish on the industry.  For those that are not famous and just ordinary people, it seems that cancer has been a calling home for many.

So what happened with Whitney?  The recent death of Don Cornelius alone was a shock, but to then hear about Whitney suddenly passing almost two weeks later has stunned the world.  The death was pronounced at 3:55pm yesterday afternoon, just a few hours before she was scheduled to perform at the pre-Grammy gala.  I heard Dr. Drew on a news show this morning and he made an interesting point.  He said that most of the time people are pronounced dead at the hospital, but them announcing it at the hotel was kind of odd.  It was reported after 3:30pm or so yesterday that there were two loud booms and some noise coming from her room.  Paramedics arrived immediately and with no apparent evidence of foul play,  it just makes it odd that she was announced dead so quickly.  

Rumors are circulating that prescription drugs may have been in play and that the way she died is somewhat similar to how Anna Nicole died. Rumors are just that though, until the autopsy is back and everything is confirmed most (like myself) will be kept in the dark.  And whose to say when they do get the details that they will tell the public everything anyway!  I'm not saying that Whitney was perfect, but look at what they did to Michael Jackson!  I'm just saying...We just know what they tell us and sometimes left to believe.  But in the end, it is what it is and all we can do is pay respect to one of the "Greatest Voices of all".   

As I type this, I can't believe she is gone.  She was only 48 years old!  Say what you want to, but Whitney was a true diva.  Yall that want to hate on her, judge her or try to justify what happened to her based on what the media tells you need to let her rest in peace.  People are still talking about Michael Jackson till this day.  Regardless of what you may think of someone EVERYONE deserves to rest in peace.  It is not our place to pass judgement on anyone.  If God forgives us for our sins, why can't people forgive others?  

Who didn't love Whitney in "Waiting to Exhale" or "The Body Guard?"....

RIP to Whitney Houston.  My condolences go out to her daughter, Bobby Brown, her mother, her family and everyone that loved her. 

Monday, February 6, 2012

Streetz Radio: Fresh or Mess Winners

Fresh Fridays pops off every week at 8pm EST.  Hosted by your boy G3Mz...

Current Fresh or Mess Champs:

Fresh Or Mess Champs: P-TEAM

When you’re young and full of youth some times it can be a bad thing because you start getting into trouble. But for these 3 young men known as P-Team their taking their youthful energy and creating phenomenal positive music. They participated in Streetz Radio “Fresh Or Mess” segment and held it down 4 weeks consecutively, earning them some well deserved exposure. With their epic stage performances they have been gathering fans in abundance nation wide. See why P-Team is “Detroit’s Very Own”. #NERDS STAND UP!

Royalty Magazine: What’s good ya’ll? Please let the world know who P-Team is.

P-Team: What’s happenin’ world we are P-Team! The group consist of Stunnaboy aka Young Moses, Black Jesus aka Don Speedo, and Young Works.

Royalty: How long have you all been doing music and how long have you all been doing music together?

P-Team:  Works been doing music for about 4 years, Stunna and I have been spitting for about 3 years and as a group we been rapping together for 3 years.

Royalty: How would you describe your style and sound of music in one word?


Royalty: We see you all represent the 313. Give the world a little insight on the Hip Hop scene of Detroit.

P-Team: Hectic! Everybody’s a rapper now so it makes it hard for people with real talent to make it.

Royalty: If you could work with anyone in the industry, who would it be and why?

P-Team: Theopalus London (Stunna says he got groovy music) and we’d work with B.O.B.(Black says he's a lyrical bully).

Royalty: Is there any new music you all are working on and how can the fans get ahold of any of your current projects?

P-Team: Back To The Basics (3 The Hardway) is the project we’re currently working on. You can look us up on FB or on YouTube  search P
Team Detroit. You could check out our latest mixtape called “Red Cups & Ice” at search under P-Team Red Cups & Ice.

Royalty: Any last words or shout outs?

P-Team: Black: Stand up to cancer! Stunna: Or sit down and die! P-TEAM OR SUICIDE! #NERDS

For more info and for booking contact P-Team on Twitter @PteamBlack 313-551-1499 @PteamStunnaBoy

Tune in to Fresh Fridays w/ G3MZ 8pm est. 

Previous Fresh or Mess Champs:


Harlem does it again! First we had T.Parris hold it down, toast to the town. Now we bring to you another Harlem native by the name of MO-BARZ. In Association with the Kartel Family/ Dinero Mgmt, Mo Barz brings an original style that is needed back in todays hip hop.
            Mo Barz new CD  "Against The Streets" which was released in September is a CD he put together for the streets. "The Great House" was released in June of this year and had a strong production impact, with great musical concepts that we all can relate to in some way. His mission is to re-kindle what was once an amazing playground for quality music. He feels the torch has been handed to him and visions himself doing what he feels no rap act in the new generation has done and that's getting back to the basics. He's not taking his gift for granted, and the hard work he puts forth now will mold him into the powerhouse he is destined to soon be. Mo Barz is currently working on his new CD " The Sounds of Maurice Alexander". You can follow Mo-Barz on twitter at

Check out the music, judge for yourself and see why he became the new FRESH OR MESS Champ!

If you feel you have what it takes to become the next champ submit your music to subject line FRESH OR MESS and let the people decide.

Stay tuned to Royalty Magazine for more on Fresh or Mess...Also check out Streetz Radio official site at