
Thursday, January 31, 2013

I am Royalty: Featured Model of the Day (CAMERON)

Say Hello to Cameron "Maverick" Hutton, our Featured Model of the day!

Name: Cameron Lee Hutton
Height: 6'2.5"
Weight: 200
Measurements: 38-40r Suit, Medium Shirt, 35" Sleeve, 32x32 Pants & 11 Shoes
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Hazel

Hobbies: Playing sports, the beach, keeping up with family spread all over the US, traveling the world. All while searching for new ways to inspire people, do new things and improve on my modeling. 

Royalty Magazine: So how are you? What are some of your goals or plans for 2013? Tell us one thing you will do differently than previous years before?

Cameron: I'm blessed beyond words and beyond what I deserve. My goals for 2013 is to continue being a full-time model/actor, striving to expand my faith with God and being a light for those who need love in their lives. 2012 expanded what I thought I could do as a person after leaving Oklahoma on a leap of faith to pursue an industry I never would have chased without the confidence God gives me.  What I can do differently is  protecting my work no matter what is going on. I have learned there will always be someone to pick up where you left off, but if you protect your work, they won't be able to.  

Royalty Magazine: What sparked your interest in modeling? How did you get started and what were some of the first steps you took to turn your dream or interest into a reality?

Cameron: There's something about having the light on me that piques my interest. The moment the shutter closes and the flash goes off it's an experience few get the opportunity to experience. I started searching Craigslist under talent and got my first break into modeling the month I began searching. The next thing I did was reached out to the agencies in Seattle to see if they would be interested in signing me.  Even if every one says no (and you're at your last appointment), brush off those in the past because it only takes one yes to continue the adventure.  

Royalty Magazine: What are some of your accomplishments and/or greatest moments so far as a model?

Cameron: The first paid shoot was huge for me!  I was the type that I would just dive into it doing anything I could to get some traction. My first paid shoot was for a DSLR Camera strap. I remember being on my way there and I couldn't help but smile because I saw my dream being realized before my eyes. My heart was no longer just trusting, my head saw something in reality. I've now walked runway multiple times, been in several campaigns and each time it's as great as the first.  

Royalty Magazine: Who would you say inspires you to do this and why?

Cameron: I get inspired by the hard working people, the bus drivers, trash-men and most importantly the military men & women. Without any of them, most of the world wouldn't be able to do the higher paying and cooler jobs.  

Royalty Magazine: Society and media have a certain standard they uphold in order to be considered beautiful or successful. These standards are a lot of times unrealistic and don't always portray your everyday average individual. Yet people are developing eating disorders, getting plastic surgery and dying just to live up to these non realistic standards.  

It seems that most of these issues affect female models.  In being a male model, have you yourself experienced or know someone who has been through any of these issues?  In your eyes, what makes a model beautiful and/or successful?  

Cameron: Personally I have experience in this. I'm not proud of where I have been or what I had done to get to what I thought was beauty, but I realized that no matter what you do, you'll always have something to improve on or there will always be someone in better shape or prettier/more handsome than you. If you look in the mirror and you see yourself the way God sees you, no matter how far you have to go to get healthy, you're perfect. 

What makes a model beautiful is someone who isn't afraid to get out of their comfort zone for the benefit of the shoot. Also, someone confident in their skin that no matter who walks in, you're still you. No one can do it better than you can. Rock the person you were created to be, there's already a Brad Pitt and an Sophia Vergara, but the world has yet to see what Cameron Lee Hutton can do.  

Royalty Magazine: Any advice to anyone who feels that they need to sacrifice who they are just to be what the world considers "beautiful" or “successful”?

Cameron: If you're sacrificing your morals, you're going too far. Sacrificing the chocolate cake is part of the gig, you can always decide tomorrow if you want that piece, I'm sure it'll still taste the same. 

Royalty Magazine: How will you use your looks and/or talents to make a difference in this industry? What is one thing you would want the world to always remember about you?

Cameron: My looks & talents were God given and what I would do to change the industry is try to be nice. Everyone is fighting a battle they don't like talking about. You never know what a smile and a compliment on someone's purse or jacket could do to them. I've found that if you send out love without expecting anything in return, you're taken care of when you need it most. 

Remember me for being the one who would never have chosen this profession and industry without the confidence God's Word has given me.  

Royalty Magazine:  How do you feel movements like Street Thoughts & Royalty Magazine help talent gain exposure? Would you recommend our Mr. or Mz. Royalty contest to other models or artists looking to increase their exposure and/or to build brand visibility?

Cameron: I love guerrilla movements!  In being an advertising major from Oklahoma State University, some of the most successful campaigns were guerrilla!  I have also already recommended the contest to others and have spawned others to compete. I love it, and the competitions. 

Royalty Magazine:  How did you hear about the Mr. or Mz. Royalty contest and what prompted you to enter?  At this point & time in the contest, how do you feel your chances are of winning?  What motivates you to keep grinding & pulling in votes? 

Cameron: I supported Miss Hannah the first month she competed to win. Today, I know all things are possible with God and hard work. You will never make your dreams come to pass if you sit and wait for them to come to you. You have to be ready and in position for when the opportunity comes.  If you're sitting down and waiting; you're not ready to go when you need to go.  

Royalty Magazine: Any last words, comments or shot outs? Anything you want to touch basis on that we haven't already?

Cameron: I thank God first and foremost for the opportunity to follow my true passions, I thank my family for helping me get here through their support and I thank all those who want to see me fall or have said no; without you I wouldn't be nearly as far as I am today.  

Royalty Magazine:  Thank you for your honesty Cameron.  Your faith in God is encouraging and we wish you much success in your career!  One Love.

To crown Cameron the next Mr. Royalty, please vote for him now at 

Cameron is also featured on our "I AM ROYALTY" 2013 calendar.  To support Cameron as well as other models, underground artists & upcoming entrepreneurs, purchase our calendar today by visiting  

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Say Hello to new Mz. Royalty!

Congrats to Jess Ashley who is Royalty Magazine's newest Mz. Royalty!  

Stay tuned to for more to come on this Royalty model.  

Interested in booking a Royalty Magazine model for projects or to help build brand visibility to your product?  Contact us with details! 

S/o to Meghan Marcroft who came in a close 2nd!

Do you have what it takes to be the next Mr. or Mz. Royalty?  If so,  click here for more information.